Thursday, April 22, 2010

More Reasons to Love Homeschooling: Lazy Mornings and Spontaneous Field Trips

8 a.m. this morning: most people we know are either on the road, at work or school, or frantically trying to get there. Because of my husband’s work schedule, our mornings are generally laid back and a time for family bonding. This morning we all rolled out of bed just in time for Jerry’s 8 o’ clock appointment with the traveling nurse. His insurance company needed a physical done on him.

Monday, April 19, 2010

New Baby Resolutions

The demands of a newborn seem overwhelming to me. I like a clean house and time to chat on the phone with friends. I like being able to read while the older two kids play at the park and I enjoy sleeping through the night. I want to prioritize “school time” and reading to my older two children. I now find myself grinding my teeth through seemingly unending nursing sessions while I scowl furiously at the dirty kitchen counter. I find myself skipping my son’s math lessons so I can clean the upstairs bathrooms. I growl ungratefully at my husband when he suggests an evening walk rather than offering to vacuum the living room floor.

It’s time that I think through my priorities. I’ve come up with my list of

New Baby Resolutions.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Perhaps We Should Have Done It This Way

I am a teacher at heart.  I loved my years spent in the classroom.  I couldn't believe I got paid for all the fun I had with my students.

When I found out I was pregnant, there was no question in my mind that I would homeschool our children.  I couldn't wait to get started.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Welcome To the World, Vayla

Little Vayla Lydia joined our family just a little over two weeks ago on March 14th.  Why we women care to share, and hear, each other's birth giving traumas, I don't know.  But I find others' stories fascinating and I like telling a story, so I write the story of Vayla and my life together so far.