These two Cd's are part of the Classical Kids collection and are two of the most-listened-to CD's at our house. Fun stories and classical music introduce kids to the composer's music and give some background information on their lives.
This one keeps the whole family entertained. We've had the flu go through our house, and this was a favorite for passing the time while recovering on the couch.
Mom's pick for a sick day. I love the music and it inevitably puts the kids to sleep.
Just for fun! I generally find nonsense lyrics annoying, but this one has such great, catchy tunes I can't help but like it. The kids love this CD and often check it out of the library for road trips because it is so much fun to sing along to...and Mom and Dad can't help but join in!
Hey, I've got Mozart's Magnificent Voyage too :)
Rocketship Run is one of my kids' favorite too. They're always singing "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, blastoff. Another rocketship run!"
"Mr. Baseman's in the basement...a do, do, dododo.." Another really fun song off of Rocketship Run.
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