Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Some Fun Things We've Done Recently

Finishing up another Soccer Season
Play in the Leaves

Made Masks with Auntie and Cousins - perfect for and aspiring ballerina

Dressing Up the Baby Like a Pumpkin

Drawing the Solar System

Science with Candy - What happens when you soak it in water, vinegar, or add baking soda?  What about throwing it in the oven?  Which ones dissolve faster?  This experiment went on and on!


Lacinda said...

You guys are busy, busy! The science experiment looks like a ton of fun!

Marty said...

Love posts like this. =)
What finally happened with the candy?
I bet he would love putting an egg in vinegar. It so cool and weird. lol.
We did that one a couple of weeks ago.

Bonita said...

Thanks, Lacinda. The more to do, create, and explore the better! Thanks for creating with us yesterday.

Thank you, Marty. Our candy dissolved, turned white, got mushy...all sorts of interesting things. I've got to do the egg and vinegar thing. They would love it!