Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Break and the (Sort-Of, but Not Really) Case for Unschooling

Dentist appointments, well-child visits, and cleaning out closets all seem to get pushed aside in the busyness of life.  So, we (sort of) called off school for two weeks, scheduled doctor visits, let the kids run wild and free, and I tried to get caught up on domestic duties.  And, I have once again, been forced to give heed to that little voice in the back of my head that occasionally whispers the idea that perhaps unschooling is not as bad as I have made it out to be.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Backpacking Analogy

I was standing at the top of the stairs, baby hanging from one hip, a basket of laundry hanging from the other.  Downstairs my six year old was sobbing over a math worksheet gone awry while my four year old lay on the toy-room floor screaming, "I don't care if you never let me out of here. I'm NOT going to clean this mess up!"  The crockpot was on, but only half of dinner's ingredients had made their way into the pot and, at close to noon, I still hadn't brushed my teeth.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What's in Our CD Player

  1. Smart Symphonies:  a little something for the baby from Enfamil with the claim that the chosen classical music pieces will "stimulate your baby's brain development".  Not sure about the brain development thing, but it is calming and my older kids enjoy trying to beat each other to identifying the composer of each piece.
  2. The Power of One by Israel Houghton:  recommended by a friend, but not particularly my style of music.  The kids love it though and it gets them dancing and acting goofy in the living when it is too cold or late to go outside.
  3. Spanish Bop:  Put out by Children's Music World, this collection entertains the kids with Spanish and English versions of songs.  Although Spanish is not one of our official "classes" this year, I try to keep some Spanish CDs and storybooks around as an informal introduction to the language.
  4. Mr. Bach Comes to Call:  a title in the classical kids collection that includes lots of factual information about Mr. Bach told in a fictional story that my kids LOVE.  It also includes portions of several of Bach's popular pieces.  My kids are big fans of anything in the Classical Kids collection.
  5. Offerings by Third Day:  a little something for Mom when all chaos breaks loose and I just need to throw back my head, sing, and remember that my hope is in Him!

Some Fun Things We've Done Recently (11/8/2010)

Here are a few of the fun things we managed to fit in this week amidst our regular Explode the Code, beginning readers, math workbook, etc.  (Not that those things aren't fun, they just aren't as much fun to write about.)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Some Fun Things We've Done Recently (11/1/2010)

One of the things Logan enjoyed doing this week was sorting the vowels out of our bucket of letters.  This is my child who benefits from a lot of review, and we have been taking a break from our Alpha Phonics studies to solidify some of the basics.  In this activity, I wrote one vowel in the bottom of each of 5 muffin liners.  He then sorted the vowels accordingly and dumped the consonants into the empty holes of the muffin tin. is one of our favorite go-to web sites when we need a little fun added into our math routine.  The Pumpkin Jumble Game in the October portion of the site gave us some practice with shapes and patterns and also some graphing fun as we tracked the numbers we rolled with our dice on a separate graph.  Another activity we enjoyed from mathwire last week was the Jack-O-Lantern picture my son created from plotting coordinates onto a graph. I knew the Jack-O-Lantern activity was tailor made for Logan when I saw it and he spent two glorious math periods working on his project, which he was extremely proud of in the end.  This would not, however, be a project for a six year old who does not enjoy somewhat detailed, tedious activities.  (I will probably NOT be doing this one with Sierra anytime soon!)

Sierra LOVES to "read".  While she knows her letter sounds, she is still impatiently working on getting down the idea of blending.  I have been working through the book  Wow!  I'm Reading ( Wow! I'm Reading!: Fun Activities to Make Reading Happen (Williamson Little Hands Series) and was fortunate enough to come across this little sentence-making activity for her.  We started out by cutting pictures of things she likes out of magazines and gluing them onto 3x5 cards and labeling them.  I then wrote her sight words that she knows (words like I, and, the, like, see, etc.) onto separate 3x5 cards.  Using the word cards and the picture cars together she can make sentences like "I like jello" or "I see a horse and a doll."  As you can see from her smile, she finds great satisfaction in her new-found ability to write and read sentences!
For a fall science project this week, we read Fletcher and the Falling Leaves, a cute story about a little fox who worries about his favorite tree losing its leaves in the fall.  We then drew pictures of trees in each of the seasons and decorated them appropriately: spring and summer with lots of green and bright colors, fall with fall leaves we gathered from outside and glued on, and winter with lots of silver and blue glitter to recreate the sparkling frost-encrusted tree at the end of the story.  The kids had a lot of fun working together in their tree "masterpieces". 

Logan's mapping activity this week turned into a full-scale neighborhood for his hotwheel cars to race through.  It was a big hit until it was destroyed by those of us walking through and eating in the dining room.  Next time we'll have to find a more out-of-the-way spot to create such large projects.

In the beauty department, our resident fasionista somewhere discovered the idea of these sponge curlers.  (Certainly not from me.  I have a life-long distaste for them stemming from the time my mother made me sleep with them in my hair when I was four or five years old.)  Sierra, of course, found the discomfort quite bearable with the promise of wonderful curly hair in the morning. 

Some other fun things we did this week:

Took a field trip to Underwater World at the Mall of America.  Expensive, but well worth it.  Sharks inches from your head, a room full of illuminated jellyfish with their strange movements, and starfish to touch.  And then, of course, we had to hit LegoLand and the American Girl Doll store.  For lunch at the food court:  McDonald's for Sierra who thoroughly enjoyed her meal and REALLY spicy Thai food for the rest of us who pretended to enjoy our meal amidst sweat and multiple glasses of water. 

Another highlight:  during "recess" one beautiful fall morning, the kids and I went out to play soccer.  Our elderly, but very spry, neighbor came out to join us.  I loved watching my kids interact with her and felt good all over again about our choice to homeschool.

Every day feels like a good day to homeschool.  Somedays I feel overwhelmed and under-qualified, but at the end of the day, when I look at them sleeping in their beds, I am so glad I had the whole day with them!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Case for Rebellion


While driving home from the grocery store today, I had was listening to Dennis Prager (  He is a favorite talk show host of mine and always seems to give me something interesting to think about.  Today was his "Ask Me Anything" hour and someone called in with the question of why teens and college students do not revolt against the "system" like they did in the 60's.  After all, isn't that what kids this age are supposed to do?  It turns out that, yes, this is what they are supposed to to do, and, according to Prager, this is a good thing.  I found his answer insightful.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Some Fun Things We've Done Recently

Finishing up another Soccer Season
Play in the Leaves

Made Masks with Auntie and Cousins - perfect for and aspiring ballerina

Dressing Up the Baby Like a Pumpkin

Drawing the Solar System

Science with Candy - What happens when you soak it in water, vinegar, or add baking soda?  What about throwing it in the oven?  Which ones dissolve faster?  This experiment went on and on!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Typical School Day At Our House

From the start I said I wanted to homeschool because little children, especially boys, are not made for school.  I wanted a different approach for my children that allowed them to explore subjects through good books and hands-on projects.  But I still found myself very drawn to the idea of a schedule to be followed and certain subjects to be covered on a daily rotation.  It was the school teacher in me that didn't easily go away.

Apple Week

We're right in the middle of fall and apple season is in full swing.  This past week we took some time to celebrate the season with some good books, apple snacks, and art projects.

Books we read:

Apples   Amelia Bedelia's First Apple Pie  How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World (Dragonfly Books)  The Apple Pie Tree  The Apple Pie That Papa BakedJohnny Appleseed 
Snacks we had:
  1. Apples with caramel dip:  This was snack and reading lesson combined.  I created a scavenger hunt for the kids and included as many of their sight words as possible.  I created cards that said things like  "Go to the bath tub." Or "What will Dad wear today?  Look in his closet." After a few of these cards, they discovered the one that led them to take four apples out of the fridge.  A note in the fridge had them wash the apples, and they found the caramel dip in the sink.  The final clue sent them to me for the recipe.  They sliced apples into 8ths, added a tablespoon of caramel to each, and spooned on a few walnut pieces.
  2. Apple crisp: a simple recipe allowed us some simple math lessons.  We also managed to slip in a health lesson by discussing cleanliness in the kitchen and the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables.
  3. Apples faces:  We spread apple halves with peanut butter and the kids went to town creating faces with dried fruit.
  4. Our final snack was one Logan had seen in a magazine awhile back.  He has been so excited for this.  We made them with a cake mix, red frosting, tootsie rolls, and green tootsie rolls rolled out and cut into triangles for leaves.     

Projects we did:
  1. Collected leaves and made leaf collages.
  2. Made homemade cards by stamping apple halves onto cardstock.
  3. Colored pictures of leaves.

Monday, September 20, 2010

History for Little Pilgrims (Part 1): Our Journey so Far

For history this year I decided on a little text called History of Little Pilgrims put out by Christian Liberty Press.  It is a nice introduction to the concept of history and makes it very clear that history is all a part of God's great plan.  We are starting out very slowly with this book, reading a section or two twice a week and adding in extra reading and projects as we meander along.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Our first week of homeschooling this year was a fabulous one, despite the bloopers.  These, I think will be the things that make the year memorable.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Homeschooling at the Fair

 I wasn't going to call it an official school day, but it turned out to be better than I could ever have done at home.
  1. Literature Link:  we read A Fabulous Fair Alphabet by Debra Frasier on the way to the fair.   
  2. Science:  an entertaining and informative bubble demonstration where the "performer" entertained us with bubbles made of air, helium, propane, etc.  We watched them float, burst, and burn.
  3.  Science lessons also took place in the Miracle of Birth Barn and the Cargill sponsored Little Farmhands exhibit. 
  4. Lots of language arts lessons took place at the early literacy corner, where we made alphabetical lists of things we saw at the fair, practiced handwriting and spelling with a variety of fun literacy activities, and narrated the day's events.
  5. Social Studies:  chatting with the national guard members at their booth, discussing the various jobs people hold at the fair, and working together to read the map of the fair grounds.
  6. Health and Nutrition:  okay, I guess corn dogs on a stick don't really count....
  7. Art:  making fans, coloring pictures, observing all sorts of art in the arts and crafts building......
    All in all, it was a very productive and educational day at the fair!

    The Big S

    It was the socialization conversation.  As homeschoolers, we've all had them with the concerned friend or relative.  Yesterday, it went something like this:

     Concerned Relative:  "I hear school has started at your house."
    Me:  "We've actually been at it for a few weeks now."
    Concerned Relative:  "How does Logan do with other kids his own age?"  (This relative is actually quite encouraging in my homeschooling endeavors, but does seem to have a bit of a fear that my kids will end up in taped glasses, high waters, and suspenders while slurping their soup and picking their nose at Thanksgiving dinner.)
    This is the point in the conversation where I generally go into defense mode and start listing: "Well, the kids are in dance, soccer, Sunday School, Wed. night kids' church, TWO homeschool coops, a playdate group...."  (Just saying it usually makes me tired.)  But, having just come off of Vacation Bible School season, I decided to be honest.
    Me:  "Actually, Logan has a few good friends his age but, for the most part, he doesn't enjoy large groups of children his own age." 
    Awkward silence.  But, really, I felt good.  In fact, it felt really good to have the truth out in the open.
    Me:  "He finds them to be rude and mean a lot of the time."
    Concerned Relative (chuckling):  "Oh, there's the Mamma Bear coming out.  But that is the real world and he's going to have to learn how to deal with it."
    Me:  "Of course he will.  I'm just not convinced that a bunch of other six year olds are the ones I want teaching him how to deal with conflict.  I mean, what's a little kid going to do?  Whatever it is, he is probably going to pick up on sarcasm or underhanded meanness. Or he's going to get into an all-out brawl, which is not acceptable in our house.  Or he's going to be labeled a tattle tale, annoy all the teachers, and not fit in anyway."
    Concerned Relative:  "Oh.  The weather is beautiful here!  What's it like up your way?"

    Later, as I was thinking about the conversation, I found it somewhat intriguing that very few times has anyone expressed concern about my children's education, morality, or relationship with God.  One time when Logan was three an early-education teacher handed him a pencil and asked if he could write his name.  He looked at her blankly, as if he had no idea what his name was anyway.  She clucked disapprovingly and lectured me on the virtues of early childhood education.  But that has been about the extent of it. 

    Does it seem at all strange to anyone other than myself, that socialization by peers seems to be the #1 concern when it comes to our children?  And that the term "socialization" always refers to spending time with others our children's own ages? 

    I have yet to understand why socialization seems to be the #1 concern of the homeschool opponent.  Yes, I understand that a homeschooling child could possibly be under-socialized (although, in reality, homeschooling children generally spend MANY more hours a week socializing than main-stream schooled children do.  But, that is another rant for another day.).  However, if you find socialization by peers to be pretty low on my list of priorities, it is because I feel that I can better prepare my child for the real world by creating a Biblically-based curriculum that puts godly principles and biblical truths at the core of what we learn.  I would also rather them be "socialized" by us - their family - and by the parents and children who share our values.  I would rather my children be "socialized" by the wise men and women of faith with whom we spend one morning a week with at the nursing home.  And I would rather focus on things at the top of my priority list and, um, I hate to break it to you, Dear Concerned Relative, but socialization is not anywhere near the top at this time. 

    So, if you truly find cause for concern and feel my child is become a social deviant, please feel free to let me know.  However, please be sure there is true cause for concern.  If he is simply missing the sarcastic "whatever" in his vocabulary or doesn't speak to you as an equal but with submissive respect or prefers a face-to-face conversation to his Nintendo DS, then I'm not going to be real concerned.  Now, if you notice his clothing is a bit out of style and he's looking a little nerdy, then I would LOVE some pointers.  Fashion, along with socialization, is - as any Concerned Relative would know - pretty low on my list of priorities as well.

    Thursday, August 19, 2010

    Logan's First Grade Schedule

    I love reading about what others are doing with their students during their homeschooling hours, so I thought I would post a bit about what our almost-six-year old will be doing this school year. 

    Kindergarten Plans

    Kindergarten:  I can't believe I am typing that word when referring to the schooling that my four-year-old, Sierra, will be doing this year.  One of the big reasons I have decided to homeschool my children is to avoid the current trend of early education which, in my humble opinion, seems to put a lot of pressure on parents and little ones early on, leading to burn out and boredom in the later years.

    Monday, August 16, 2010

    First Day of School (2010-11)

    August 16, 2010.  Homeschooling at our house has officially started for the year!  And what a kick off it was.  I sent the kids to bed last night with promises of wonderful surprises at breakfast and a fabulous day together.  It was all I had hoped for, even though the really cool looking back-to-school snacks I stayed up til one a.m. making looked more like colorful dog droppings than crayons and the kids thought the peanut butter, honey, and powdered milk snacks mixed with red food coloring looked like raw hamburger rather than pink school erasers.  But they were tasty and, along side the blueberry muffins, the kids thought they had finally made it to Paris, France (the place, in their minds, where you go for fabulous, fancy food).  Kids who eat a concoction of oats, flax, and dried fruit for breakfast six days a week are easy to please.

    I set the table and stuck a candle into each of the kids' muffins.  I had wrapped their little school-supply boxes filled with brand-new supplies up in festive wrapping paper, and my husband and I sang a goofy little "Happy First Day of School" song to them as they entered the dining room.  It was the perfect start to the year.  The only thing that would have made it better would have been a few more hours of sleep!

    After breakfast, devotions, and chores, I sent my 4-year-old, Sierra, off to play while I spent the first half hour of "school time" working with my six year old, Logan. Logan tends to loose focus early on in the day when it comes to school work, but his reading and math are my top two priorities for this year, so I've decided to attack those first.  If the baby is cranky or the rest of the day falls apart, I will at least have those two things done.  We snuggled on the couch for our ten minutes of reading, and he got through an Alpha Phonics lesson that made him laugh out loud.  Something silly about a hen falling into a bath, I think.  He took his Explode the Code out onto the deck while Sierra and I read the Dr. Seuss's ABC book and decorated the Aa page in her alphabet notebook (an idea I got from the Homeschool Share Website). Although Sierra has somehow managed to teach herself all the letter sounds and how to read simple words, I am going to start pretty basic with her.  We may mover pretty quickly through the alphabet, but I want to make sure she really knows it thoroughly.  For math, we used the measuring links and measured a pile of her toys, estimating their lengths and discussing the concepts of longer and shorter and the importance of measuring.

    Then we all gathered back together and did some group work:  Read a poems from A Child's Garden of Verses by Stevenson, calendar work which includes lots of counting and discussion about tens and ones, and filling in our weather graph that I swiped from  We then moved on to our history lesson.  I had gathered several photo albums and we sat on the couch thumbing through them and laughing at ourselves throughout our brief little "history" together.  Then we read the first chapter of History for Little Pilgrims, which gives a good introduction to the concept of history.

    Lastly, we did a little music lesson.  I am going to use some ideas from a book I picked up from our local library book sale called Music Crafts for Kids (Music Crafts for Kids: The How-To Book of Music Discovery).  Today we talked about how nature provides a music of sorts.  We went outside and listened to the wind and the birds.  Then we made streamers to dance in the wind with by tying long, multi-colored strips of crepe paper streamers to the ends of wooden spoons.  The children danced joyfully around the house for close to an hour, the wind blowing wildly at their streamers, and it was the perfect end to a wonderful morning.  As we sat around a lunch of chow mein and rice, it was declared a success by all!

    Friday, June 25, 2010

    Scope and Sequence Broken Down in a Makes-Sense Way

    My brother in law has done quite a lot of research on homeschooling and what should be covered under each broad subject.  We've all seen the year-to-year scope and sequence lists, but he has created a nice overview of a normal school career and includes some great extras like life skills, etc.  Check it out here:

    Thanks, Chris!

    Friday, June 11, 2010

    A Year of Great Memories

    Although we will continue schooling some throughout the summer,I find myself getting into the summer mode.  This has been our first year of official homeschooling and I am having a hard time saying good-bye to it.  It was such a wonderful year.  Perhaps some of our highlights will help you remember why you homeschool, give you some ideas for your own children, or just give you something to do so that you can continue putting off the laundry and dirty dishes.

    Wednesday, May 19, 2010

    Back to School in May

    While most people are thinking of finishing up their school year, we are finally feeling like we can get back into the swing of things after the birth of little Vayla two months ago.  Here is a little bit about what we have been up to.

    Thursday, April 22, 2010

    More Reasons to Love Homeschooling: Lazy Mornings and Spontaneous Field Trips

    8 a.m. this morning: most people we know are either on the road, at work or school, or frantically trying to get there. Because of my husband’s work schedule, our mornings are generally laid back and a time for family bonding. This morning we all rolled out of bed just in time for Jerry’s 8 o’ clock appointment with the traveling nurse. His insurance company needed a physical done on him.

    Monday, April 19, 2010

    New Baby Resolutions

    The demands of a newborn seem overwhelming to me. I like a clean house and time to chat on the phone with friends. I like being able to read while the older two kids play at the park and I enjoy sleeping through the night. I want to prioritize “school time” and reading to my older two children. I now find myself grinding my teeth through seemingly unending nursing sessions while I scowl furiously at the dirty kitchen counter. I find myself skipping my son’s math lessons so I can clean the upstairs bathrooms. I growl ungratefully at my husband when he suggests an evening walk rather than offering to vacuum the living room floor.

    It’s time that I think through my priorities. I’ve come up with my list of

    New Baby Resolutions.

    Friday, April 2, 2010

    Perhaps We Should Have Done It This Way

    I am a teacher at heart.  I loved my years spent in the classroom.  I couldn't believe I got paid for all the fun I had with my students.

    When I found out I was pregnant, there was no question in my mind that I would homeschool our children.  I couldn't wait to get started.

    Thursday, April 1, 2010

    Welcome To the World, Vayla

    Little Vayla Lydia joined our family just a little over two weeks ago on March 14th.  Why we women care to share, and hear, each other's birth giving traumas, I don't know.  But I find others' stories fascinating and I like telling a story, so I write the story of Vayla and my life together so far.

    Friday, March 12, 2010

    Ten Things We Love About Homeschooling

    There are so many reasons that homeschooling works well for our family.  Here are a few of the big ones.  I'd love to hear your reasons for homeschooling....or not homeschooling....if you care to share.

    Thursday, February 18, 2010

    Our Current Curriculum for Son (age 5) and Daughter (age 3)

    I always find it interesting to hear what other people are doing during their homeschool hours, so I thought I would post what we have ended up doing this year with my son, age 5, and daughter, age 3.

    Wednesday, February 3, 2010

    Fall Musings

    I stand in the driveway on a gray and rainy day. I was taking out the trash, but am momentarily distracted. The sound of the rain on the hood of my rain jacket, the chilly fall air, and the brilliant display of fall colors in the trees makes me wish I were far away from the comforts of my warm, dry home. I close my eyes. The rain sounds the same here and I can almost feel the trail beneath my feet.

    New Mom Thoughts From 2005

    I came across this unfinished rambling I began writing five years ago, soon after my oldest son turned one. Although the paragraphs seem somewhat hopeful, the last line comes across as a rather jaded and abrupt ending. I remember thinking I would come back to it someday - the day I got it all figured out....

    My Homeschool View

    I am blessed with a home that has fabulous views. From the dining room we watch eagles perch on thinly formed ice in the early winter, beavers busily scurry about in the spring, a summer-resident grey heron wait for and pounce on his dinner, and squirrels busily stock up in the fall.